Friday, April 30, 2010


by Megan Slone

I have been sitting in KCJ for months now awaiting sentencing. I have been sitting in KCJ for months now fearing prison. I am to the point that I can finally say I'm ready. With no fresh air and no green grass. With no real look at the outside I can finally say I'm ready. I listen to the stories, some good and some bad. I'm scared but I'm ready. I'm ready to get this chapter of my life over with, to move on, to come home, to be what I should have been: a daughter, a mother, a human. Not a drug addict, not a meth cook. A human.

I sit in my room and cry thinking about my daughter, my family, and the friends I thought were friends. And I try to figure out how I got to this point and I realize it was my fault, all my fault. I''m going away for years now, leaving my loved ones behind to worry. But I'm glad prison is in my future now. I'm glad I'm clean, I'm sober, my head is clear. Now I get to go to college and work on my self, better myself, do what I never would have done on the streets. I'm scared but I'm ready. What will life have in store for me now?

I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Megan,

    As I read this, I was struck by the thought that the world would be a much more complete, whole and beautiful place if everyone strived to be who they truly are meant to be.

    I'm sorry that it took this sort of experience to bring you to that place, but I've no doubt that things will indeed be better because you have that drive and motivation.

    I can see areas in my own life where I really could be a better, more authentic version of myself, and I am going to do that too.

    Blessing to you in whatever comes next...

    Rachel Clear


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