Saturday, May 1, 2010

A Million Dollars

by Megan Slone

If I were given a million dollars on the terms that I would have to leave this country, I would take my daughter and parents and go to Amsterdam. I would become an owner of a huge chain of coffee shops. I chose to go to Amsterdam cause I can smoke marijuana cigarettes without getting myself in trouble.

After starting my business I would be very financially stable (on top of the original million) and be able to support my family the way they have supported me. I would also send my daughter to the best school and make sure she had everything she needed or wanted. I would also be invited to all important events of the country because I'm so rich. I would also do fundraisers for breast cancer and cervical cancer and eventually donate or raise enough money to find the cure. Then they would name it after me. I would also feed the hungry and make shelters for the homeless and unwanted children...if I had a million dollars.

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