Sunday, May 2, 2010

Nature from the Inside

Please note that Summer is now in prison. She writes from there.

Nature from the Inside
by Summer Jaynes

I'm outside. It's such a great day, a warm breeze, sun, heating my face. I look up at the bright blue sky. There are big fluffy white clouds floating but they look so soft it's like I could reach up and touch them. They seem so close but so far at the same time. I close my eyes, take a deep breath. I can smell spring flowers. Somewhere out there I smell fresh dirt, like a tractor close by is plowing the fields. I open my eyes and look around. The grass is so green. I take my shoes off so my bare feet can feel the grass tickling my toes. It feels so nice that for a minute I forget.

I forget everything that's going on around me.
I forget my problems, my worries.
I forget where I am.

I look back up at the sky and see a single cloud floating by all by itself. I think, "It's me," floating through life by myself. When will I join the rest of the clouds, when will we flow together?

All of a sudden I hear my name: "#967695" I look up and see an officer. I come back and realize where I'm at. The officers says, "Put your shoes back on." I do. I look around and see the razor sharp barbwire fences and all the other women around me with depressing looks on their face. I realize I'm back in prison, but just for a minute--I was at peace. I was free.

1 comment:

  1. Summer,
    I've just finished reading about your time experiencing the outside while inside and I have tears in my eyes. My brother is in prison right now as well and I feel so sad thinking about the isolation and loneliness you are both experiencing and the dehumanizing effect of being referred to by a number.

    But I am grateful for the moment of peace and freedom you experienced in the midst of all that. My wish for you is that you continue to find little ways to experience that forgetfulness, peace, and freedom.



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