Sunday, May 16, 2010

I fell asleep reading a book about cats!

by Jasmin Kern

I fell asleep reading a book about cats!

All of a sudden I hear a knock at my door, which wakes me from a sound sleep. To my surprise, I find I'm not myself anymore. I look in the mirror and looking back at me is a cat. The brightest green eyes I have ever seen. Surrounded by the shiniest black coat of fur I've ever seen. So I jump off the bed and begin wandering around the house looking to see what I might find to eat. Going into the kitchen I find a nice bowl of milk that my boyfriend left. After drinking my fill I sit down and start licking my fur clean.

I wander around the house till I find a ball of string. I sit there and smack at it with my paws, so easily amused. After a bit I get bored so I jump up on the couch and stretch out to take a cat nap. In the distance I hear a bird chirping, I follow the sound and find an open window. I hop out the window and wander over by a giant tree. Climbing up the tree following the sound, I see a blue bird farther up in the tree. I try to catch it. But it flies away as soon as it sees me. So I liked it up there in the tree, so I curl up and fall asleep. When I wake up again I'm me. I wonder how I got up in the tree.

I got halfway down but the ground was too far for me to get to. So I waited for someone to walk by. My friend pulled up tot he house. I yell her name and she looks up and starts to laugh. "How did you get up there?" "I don't know, don't laugh, get a ladder and get me down!" So now I'm back on the ground. I still wonder how I got up in the tree.

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