Monday, May 3, 2010


Please note that Summer is now in prison, at the Rockville Correctional Facility. She is writing from there.

by Summer Jaynes

They shut the door and lock it, the lights are dim. I can hear a low hum of different voices around me. It's time for bed in other places but not here. I live with seven other women 24/7. Every night we do the same thing: talk.

Talk about how different our lives are.
Talk about our family and friends.
Talk about ourselves.

We all get very close with each other, making plans that we know won't ever happen but the thought is nice. We all laugh and smile with each other even if we're on each other's nerves. We will all listen if you have a problem, we all will be here for each other to talk with.

We are strangers from different parts of Indiana but at the same time we are all sisters. It doesn't matter where you come from, what color you are or even if you're not all there.

All that matters is...
We have someone to talk with...

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