Thursday, May 13, 2010

One of the best days of my life

by Jasmin Kern

May 28, 2006, was one of the best, happiest, and most exciting days of my life! On that day I brought Linsie, my youngest daughter, home from the hospital. I experienced so many sounds, smells, feelings, and sights that day.

The look on my oldest daughter, Alisha's, face was priceless. She was excited to be a big sister, and to finally have her baby sister at home. Alisha had the biggest, most beautiful smile on her face, when we walked through the door. There are no words to truly describe the look on Alisha's face. It was truly priceless!

Everytime I think back to the day of May 28, so many sounds I heard that day come to mind. As soon as we pulled up to the house I heard the dogs barking in the back yard, because they heard us pulling up. Once I stepped out of the car, I heard the wind howling, causing the leaves to rustle in the trees. As soon as we carried Linsie through the front door, I instantly heard my family and my daughter Alisha talking and laughing with excitement at the arrival of Linsie. Throughout the rest of the day I continued to hear talking, laughing, babies crying and even the doors opening and closing due to family and friends coming and going.

Once I got home and got settled, it was time for dinner. On that night we decided to have tacos. It felt very relaxed to be out of the hospital and able to eat some home-cooked food. My house smelled of ground beef, taco seasoning, and salsa. With dinner that night I enjoyed an ice-cold fountain mountain dew. Everything was so delicious and completely satisfying.

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