Friday, May 28, 2010


by Summer Jaynes

I lay in my dog cage on my bunk
looking at the broken ceiling thinking
thinking of all the good memories I have
my kids laughing, the way my grandmother smells, his arms
around me, flowers, smell of rain, the sound of life
I think of these memories every day
wishing, wanting, praying
I will have them again one day soon
The memories is all I have
They can't take them from me
They can take everything else
but not my memories
they are mine, mine only
Thank God for memories

1 comment:

  1. Hello Summer,
    I like your name. Thanks for writing about the strength of memories. I find that memories play an important role in my life as well. I've been reading my mother's diaries and realizing how what happened in my family when I was a child contributed to forming the kind of person I am today. Some of that was good, some not as good. I'll continue to follow this blog and look for your writing. You are a unique and special person Summer. Stay with life and look for what is good.


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