Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Reality Kicks In

by Isaac Pena

(Editor's Note: Isaac is one of our former students who is now in prison. He wrote this from the holding facility, where prisoners are sent while it is being decided where they will ultimately go to prison for the long term.)

I am sitting in Plainfield, Indiana, listening to murderers, thieves, and gang bangers talk and scream about gang politics, prisons, and sentences. And here I am a first-time felon sentenced to 14 1/2 years staring out of a window with steel bars all over it looking at the first sunset I've seen in 15 months. It's so beautiful! I thought my transition point in my life was 15 months ago when I got booked into county jail, but here I sit wanting to be someone, a contributor to society. I want the precious privilege that I took for granted for so long and what a lot of people are taking for granted right now...


1 comment:

  1. I am sorry, Isaac, that this has happened to you. Perhaps by the time you read this, things will be a touch better for you. I hope so.
    Hang in there. It may be hard to believe right now, but things WILL get better. Remember who you are inside - your good heart and the person that God made you to be - hang on to that person inside, and hang close to God. It will get you through the rough times. I care.


Please sign your message as you would a letter, since we simply cut and paste the messages to send them to the inmates.