Wednesday, June 2, 2010


by Summer Jaynes

I feel like screaming, I feel like dreaming
I can't feel at all
I'm numb, tired of the pain, tired of the hate,
tired of life.

Why can't I sleep, dream, escape this life?
When did the hate start in my life?
Why am I smiling and laughing one week
Now I feel like I'm dead inside...I'm sad, mad,
but at who and why?
Maybe myself, maybe him, maybe everyone.
No one loves me, no one cares.
Why? Am I not likeable, loveable?

I want to cry but no tears come out
When will I stop feeling like this?
What am I feeling?
Mad, sad, angry, depressed, hatred, my insides are
screaming...Help me...Someone love me....

Everyone says, "Things will be better"
But when? All my life I heard this saying
All my life I have felt this screaming inside
Things seem to get worser in my life
nothing gets better.

People say "Things happen for a reason."
What reason?
Why the black eyes, dead babies, lies,
broken promises?

When will I stop hurting, someone tell me.

1 comment:

  1. i have no answers, and very rarely have good words. but know that someone in wi prayed for you tonight, summer. for healing, for peace, for love to flood your life. your stories are powerful, heart-wrenching. thank you for sharing.


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