Thursday, June 3, 2010

Imaginary Trip

by Jasmin Kern

I went to work today. A guy came up to me and asked, do you want to come on a trip? What kind of trip? We need a girl to help us in the circus for a year. I would love to help you but I can't cause my girls need me. Sorry.

I got home that night, made dinner for the girls. Waiting for my boyfriend to come home to tell him what happened at work. I got the table ready, he walked in the door. We sat down at the table. I looked at him and said, guess what? What? A guy asked me if I wanted to be in a circus for a year. Oh yeah? What did you say? I said no cause of the girls.

I just got back in their life. If I leave now it would mess them up. The whole reason I just got back into their life is cause of a drug addiction. I can't leave them. I have been gone for one year as it is. That is a good reason babe! I'm glad you thought it out before you said anything.

So I didn't go to the circus for the year. I stayed at my job I had at Wal-Mart. Took my girls to daycare. Everyday I went to work. The day I had off we went to the park or on a walk. And now I'm the mother that God wants me to be!


  1. Hi, I really enjoyed this story. I felt like I could hear your voices when you and your boyfriend were speaking. I liked the idea of being invited to join the circus and turning it down for your girls and the simple things you want to keep in your life. I admire your positive imagination; it is a powerful force for reaching your goals.

    Anna Wold
    Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

  2. Great story, Jasmin. I am proud of you for your decision to stay with your children. I can imagine that it would be tempting to go with the circus, and here you did the right thing, and stayed with your children. Way to go!



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