Sunday, March 14, 2010

A True Poem About Myself that is Kind

by Shane Senter

Once upon a time in a enchanted place called the Hills, lived a boy named Shane...who had no brothers nor sisters. But a lot of imaginary friends, he grew up fast went through school and then had a lot of real friends. He loved to go fishing, and at at 13 took up music "The Guitar." He was a good kid, only angry when someone or something was angry with him, through teenage years of 15 met his first love "Amanda" which was very serious, and fun!

This dude had a band at age 16 and played a lot of Big Boy Party's and places. Second love came along "Rhonda" who broke his heart but gave him his only son Michael! Awesome!! So I love that boy a lot. Michael brought my family closer together Me-Mom-Dad-& Mikey are really close to each other. They are my everything! So there is a kind ending to this it's called unconditional love for family. Life is but a mist that quickly evaporates, so be thankful & kind in your walk of life.

1 comment:

  1. "life is but a mist..."

    i forget that too often. thank you for your words.


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