Monday, March 29, 2010

Little Boat

by Isaac Peña

I sat on my boat day after day waiting to find land. I get my telescope every night to look over the horizon hoping and wishing and Island will come into view but it never does. Sometimes I feel like I've been cursed by the gods and I should give up hope. But if the gods really cursed me Poseidon would make waves to destroy my boat. So I'll continue my voyage out on this sea. And if I can't find an island, maybe an island will find me.


  1. this is beautiful.

    i especially like: "i feel like i've been cursed by the gods and should give up hope... but if the gods really cursed me poseidon would make waves to destroy my boat. so i'll continue my voyage..." very thought-provoking, bravely written.

  2. I don't know why, but this really struck me. It really really did.

    I'm going to forward this link to a friend who needs to read these words today.

  3. As I read, your first two sentences, I started thinking about times I've been grateful that, in spite of how lost I feel, I still have the boat --- which is a little bit like what you went on to say. And I love the thought of the island seeking you out.

  4. I'm really glad you're safe in the boat in case the waves get rough. Do you know how to swim? If not, we can try to find you a life jacket. Be sure to put your reply in a bottle with a water-proof lid before you set it afloat.

  5. Isaac,

    I've been thinking about this image all week, and I don't know what to say to you about it other than that I find it beautiful and powerful and haunting, and it speaks to something deep in my mind that I can't really express well. I too am learning to wait for the island to come to me. I think it is wise and mature to learn to rest and wait, not knowing what is coming. But it's also very hard to do. Thank you for giving me this metaphor, a new way to think about resting and waiting and not knowing.

  6. Very profound. I have felt this way but never quite had it articulated like this, which is beautiful. Thank you.

  7. Your choice to continue the voyage is an inspiration to the rest of us whose waves threaten to capsize our hopes, dreams, security. The thought that an island may be just beyond the horizon is a happy one to take into my sleep tonight. Thank you. –Patti


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